Introduction ◆环境温度为-25℃~+55℃; The environmental temperature of -25 ℃ ~+55 ℃; ◆安装高度不超过海拔2000m The installation height of not more than 2000m above sealevel ◆适用于强酸、强碱、盐、氨、氯离子腐蚀、多水、多尘、潮湿的环境; ◆ suitable for acid, alkali, salt, ammonia, chloride ioncorrosion,more water, more dust, damp environment; ◆适用于石油、化工、码头、食品、医药、军工等场所; ◆ applicable to the petroleum, chemical, food, medicine,militarywharf, etc.; ◆用于工作现场中照明或动力线路的通断控制。 ◆ used for lighting or power lines work on-siteon-offcontrol. 订货须知 Ordering instructions ◆本产品未不锈钢和玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂两种外壳,订货时请注明; This product is not stainless steel and glass fiberreinforcedunsaturated polyester resin two shell, please specifywhenordering; ◆本产品分照明型和动力型两种,常规照明型断路器为1P,动力型为3P,如有特殊要求请注明。 ◆ the product of illumination and dynamic type two kinds,generallighting circuit breaker is 1P, power is 3P, if you havespecialrequest, please specify. 产品特点 Product features ◆外壳采用不锈钢采或玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂压制而成型,结构轻巧,外形美观; Stainless steel or glass fiber reinforced unsaturatedpolyesterresin suppression and molding, light structure with theshell, andbeautiful appearance; ◆所有外露紧固件全部采用为不锈钢材质; ◆ all exposed fasteners are used for stainless steel; ◆本产品采用曲路密封结构,直接用紧固件紧固,具有良好的防水、防尘性能,防护等级IP65; This product adopts curve sealed structure, with fastenersdirectly,with waterproof, dustproof performance is good, the levelofprotection IP65; ◆本系列产品抗强酸、强碱、盐腐蚀,防腐等级为WF2; This series of products of strong acid, alkali, salt corrosion,theanti-corrosion class for WF2; ◆内装有高分断小型断路器,通过打开壳盖上的防水防尘透明罩进行操作; ◆ with MCB, waterproof and dustproof cover open shell throughthetransparent cover operation; ◆具有过载、短路保护功能,可根据用户要求生产带漏电保护功能产品; ◆ with overload, short circuit protection function, can accordingtocustomer request production of products with the leakageprotectionfunction; ◆既可作照明电路或动力电路的配电或通断之用,还可照明、动力配电或通断混用; It can be used as a lighting circuit or power distributioncircuitor on-off purposes, can also be lighting, power distributionorhige combination; ◆可根据用户要求特殊制造; ◆ according to user requirements special manufacturing; ◆钢管或电缆布线。 ◆ steelpipe and cable wiring. 技术参数 Technical parameters 额定电压:AC220/380V Rated voltage: AC220/380V 主回路额定电流:60A~250A Rated current of main loop: 60A~250A 支路数:2、4、6、8、10、12 The branch number: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 支路额定电流:1A、3A、5A、10A、15A、20A、25A、32A、40A、50A、60A Branch current: 1A, 3A, 5A, 10A, 15A, 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A,50A,60A 防护等级:IP65 Protection grade: IP65 防腐等级:WF2 Protection grade: WF2 引入口规格:G1/2”~G3” Introduction of export specification: G1/2 "~G3" 适用电缆外径:∮6mm~∮55mm For cable diameter: 6mm~, 55mm 引入口方向:下进下出、下进上出、上进上出、上进下出 Introduction: the direction of the mouth down in and out, in,out,up and coming out under